Am I Business Owner material?
Take a free survey to find out if the DAVIS Institute of Business is the right online program for you before you enroll just to be sure! If you can complete this survey, you can definitely commit to D.I.B.'s online Business Owner Course and graduate!
Take a 3 day course...
This accelerated online course has taken a 24 month program and condensed it into a convenient 3 Day, self paced online course. The Davis Institute of Business: Online Business Owner Course is designed to fit into your busy schedule and fast track your results. Classes are 25-50 minutes, final exams are self paced and simple enough to complete in 1 day or less! Earn your certification and graduate with a guaranteed job assignment for a fraction of the cost or time to enroll and graduate a traditional 24-36 month Accelerated Bachelor’s Degree (online or on-campus) curriculum. Finally get enrolled and graduate the program of your dreams without hassle of financial aid, high costs tuition, over crowded classrooms, course rosters or commuting!
Pinpoint whether you're a laborer or entrepreneur.
Establish a professional entrepreneurship profile that links your current social media and following.
Figure out which form of business is best for you; online, onsite or both. Uncover how to adopt the basic entrepreneur lifestyle and mentality for gigantic success. (21/90 rule) Gain expert research, self help and small business resources in connections, support and networking to help build your business for a lifetime and beyond. (First business assignment/ company website).
Bachelor's of Arts| Business Owner Degree
Earn B.A. level Business Management information that usually takes 24-36 months to acquire in a fraction of the time! You will be able to hire the right candidates, advertise to the right audience and maximize your relationships within the company. See yourself evolve and change your personal and professional habits to that of a business owner. Effectively plan, organize, lead and delegate as a business manager with expert skill and consistency within your daily business operations once you’ve completed the course and graduated! .
People can respect a business that has policies in place to handle all situations.