Online Enrollment Application...
Watch D.I.B.'s Enrollment Video
Watch a short video presentation expressing our mission, course layout, how to enroll, tuition costs, student/ alumni benefits and more!
Are YOU Ready to go to the Next Level?
Convenience. Certification. Simplicity. Success.
Am I Business Owner material?
Take a free survey to find out if the DAVIS Institute of Business is the right online program for you before you enroll just to be sure!
Become a certified Independent Business Owner prepared to own, operate and manage any business: online, international and commercial markets in any industry! Graduates receive Bachelor’s of Arts Degree equivalent certified business ownership within fields such as:
Business Trade
Business Philosophy
Business Management
Business Development
Business Presentations
Business Finance
Event Planning and more!
This accelerated online course has taken a 24 month program and condensed it into a convenient 3 Day, self paced online course. The Davis Institute of Business: Online Business Owner Course is designed to fit into your busy schedule and fast track your results. Classes are 25-50 minutes, final exams are self paced and simple enough to complete in 1 day or less! Earn your certification and graduate with a guaranteed job assignment for a fraction of the cost or time to enroll and graduate a traditional 24-36 month Accelerated Bachelor’s Degree (online or on-campus) curriculum. Finally get enrolled and graduate the program of your dreams without hassle of financial aid, high costs tuition, over crowded classrooms or course rosters or commuting!